Off to Russia

With newly-minted visas nestled safely in their passports, my erstwhile traveling companions leave today for Moscow.

The T/C who opted to "pay the professionals" to process her Russian visa application received an e-mail last Friday, advising her that her "visa application is being processed."

She confided in me that her first thought was, "What exactly does that mean?" "Being processed" could mean anything or it could mean nothing so, with a week to go, she held her breath.

On Monday, good news arrived via another e-mail; this time, from the travel agency which advised her that her visa had arrived.

So today, armed with the Traveler's Trilogy -- "money, tickets, passport" -- my T/Cs are off to LAX where they'll climb aboard an Aeroflot jetliner this evening and wing their way to Russia.

While foreign travel can be pretty demanding, they've agreed to provide updates (and perhaps photos) as they're able, which I will post here.

Pray for safe travels!

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