Tour offers England for introverts

I am not a fan of organized tours. I prefer to explore new cities and discover new areas by wandering around on my own, following my nose and seeing where it leads. Neither am I an introvert, and being an extrovert probably complements my proclivity to explore sans guide. Accordingly, I found myself a bit surprised that an email promoting a tour of England for introverts captured my attention at all.

Reading into the details, I decided that the first “Sacred Introvert Retreat Tour” could also appeal not only to introverts, but to the introspective side of extroverts as well.

“Far from the rambunctious energy of many travel tours,” the promotional material explained, the tour to the Kingdom of Wessex region of England will offer “a gentle, introspective way for travelers to take part in a group setting.”

The group’s leader, Lisa Avebury, is a self-described “strong introvert” who was inspired to create Sacred Introvert Space, a shared community blog, and Sacred Introvert Retreat Tours by author Susan Cain and her best-selling book, “Quiet.”

"Most travel tour excursions highlight many implied social gatherings or shuttle you from place to place with a guide talking over every thought you have,” she said. “That’s not something introverts would be drawn to."

I’m a dyed-in-the-wool extrovert with the “E” in my Myers Briggs rating almost off the charts and I’m not drawn to that, either. I’m also an independent thinker with a Mensa-level IQ and am quite capable of thinking for myself, thank you. I neither want nor need a guide prattling on endlessly, so Avebury’s idea of the ideal tour appeals to me as well.

Wells Cathedral
Excursions to places on and off the beaten path - including Stonehenge, Wells Cathedral, Bath, Uffington Castle, Stanton Drew, and others -- will be offered every other day, with alternating days reserved to recharge and relax in whatever “way that feels right” for each individual. Those will include optional, informal opportunities for yoga, meditation, talks and walks. Free days can also serve as times for solo exploration for those who desire.

"I would never want people to feel pressured to participate in anything, this is their time and they should spend it the way it feels right for them," Avebury said.

Participants in The Sacred Introvert Retreat Tour will stay at the Abbey House on the grounds of the 7th century Glastonbury Abbey, which is a scheduled ancient monument and listed building of national importance, as well as the site of King Arthur’s tomb.

Abbey House
“Large enough for each participant to have their own room, the Abbey … is within walking distance of all of the town’s main attractions,” the materials said, thus providing the opportunity for travelers “to always have their own room, yet be surrounded by like-minded people in surroundings that will refresh them.”

The tour will take place May 1 through May 10 at a cost of $3,795, not including air fare or ground travel. The price includes all excursions, lodging, all meals freshly prepared each day in the Abbey House’s kitchen with locally sourced ingredients, and non-alcoholic beverages.

“My hope is that introverts who visit and participate in what Sacred Introvert is offering will feel supported and uplifted by the knowledge that they too are just ‘introverted.’ And being just introverted is just fine,” she said.

More information on the Sacred Introvert Retreat Tour to Glastonbury is available here.

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Photos provided by Lisa Avebury
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